Review of SQL DML: Quiz

1)When explicity inserting a row into a table, the VALUES clause must include a value for every column of the table. True or False?

2.Is it possible to insert more than one row at a time using an INSERT statement with a VALUES clause? 
*No, you can only create one row at a time when using the VALUES clause.

3.To modify an existing row in a table, you can use the ________ statement.

4.What would be the result of the following statement: DELETE FROM employees
*All rows in the employees table will be deleted

5.What is wrong with the following statement?
DELETE from employees WHERE salary > (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees);
*Nothing is wrong, the statement will execute correctly.

6.You want to modify existing rows in a table. Which of the following are NOT needed in your SQL statement? 
*A MODIFY clause

7.What is wrong with the following statement? MERGE INTO emps e USING new_emps ne ON (e.employee_id = ne.employee_id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET ne.salary = e.salary WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (ne.employee_id, ne.first_name, ne.last_name, .... ne.salary, ....);
*The SET clause is trying to update the source table from the target table

8.Look at this SQL statement: MERGE INTO old_trans ot USING new_trans nt ON (ot.trans_id = nt.trans_id) .... ; OLD_TRANS is the source table and NEW_TRANS is the target table. True or false? 

